Going Away Thread

Gone till the 18th, travelling to zwitserland

Iā€™m going on vacation, be back in a month.

I am going on holiday from now untill the 7th of August, I want to apologize for my attitude and the state of my builds, when I am back Iā€™ll have changed it ;), I shall stay online at discord and the forums tho. Barry will take over Gwaeryn, only thing left is reducing the rubble and adding some fire damage, Cya guys!!! :slight_smile:


Going to Italy for 3 weeks, might still be on a bit

Iā€™ll be away for a week or longer from tomorrow.

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Iā€™ve been away these couple of days since my cousin and his family (from Spain) has come to visit my family and theyā€™re staying at my house leaving little time for me to do anything onAC, heā€™ll leave by Thursday but till then I canā€™t come on for too long. (Theyā€™re visiting London and my parents are forcing me to come everywhere)

I will be gone from 1 aug till 17 or 18 aug (depends on the fact if we want to go home yet).
No chance I will be online during this period.

I will most likely be gone till Monday, August 7. I might be able to pop on for a short time here and there.

Iā€™ll be away until next Monday (the 14th).


Extremely shoddy internet until the 18th. Will have better wifi and more time to start getting on regularly then.


I shall be away now until the 11th/ 12th of September, so good luck you tits, try not to fuck anything up.

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Good luck with your sex-change! I hear the one month recovery is a bitch, and losing another leg ainā€™t easy


Back, unfortunately didnā€™t have any proper WiFi last weeks.


Heading off to college, wonā€™t be around or available as much. Will check in from time to time, If something is wrong message me on here or on discord, Iā€™ll get to you when I can! See you guys around!


Iā€™m away on holiday from tomorrow till Friday/Sunday next week, canā€™t take my laptop so no hope of being on

Wont be online as much next week because of school and other IRL things.
going away with school for Cultural Inspiration :confused:

Iā€™ll be away from 12th until 19th of October.

I havenā€™t been around much lastly. Itā€™s because I found a job that takes me a lot of time, but I should soon have a less heavy schedule (probably next week or the one after that), so Iā€™ll back on the server.

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Absent until Thursday/Friday.

I will be absent until 13th of october, i have testweek (2 weeks) at school followed by a culture trip to sicily, ill cya guys afterwards!