Leader: daktubalan, Fruittuitella
Player rank: Overseer, Builder+
Private or Public: Public; open for applications
Location name: Dunland
Lore: The people of Dunland have dwelt in this hilly region for at least 5000 years; they were present when the Numenorians arrived in Middle Earth during the Second Age, and likely fostered a thriving trade with the Dwarves of Moria, providing them with agricultural goods in exchange for crafted items and more advanced technology. At some point they were driven out of the northern part of the country; there are a few possible reasons for this:
- The Great Plague in 1636-67
- The fall of Moria and increased threat of Orcs
- Sauronâs assault on Eregion
Whatever the case, by the middle of the Third Age the Dunlendings had started to drift into modern-day Rohan, but were driven back into the hills when Eorl and his people settled there. Since then, they have occupied Nan Curunir and allied themselves with Saruman, due to the promise of revenge against the Rohirrim.
In terms of culture, we have settled on a very âIron-Age Celticâ look, using primarily roundhouses, with a few longhalls and hillforts.
Overhead plan:
Cultural Division
There will be five main tribes, each divided into a few individual clans (more about that later), each featuring a blend of the three main cultural styles.
Note: this doc is still a work in progress
Village concepts (Lowland Culture)
Itâs a fairly easy style to get a grasp on. Plus, weâve made templates for houses of varying sizes, which can easily be pasted in.
Concept for general landscape, mostly made of individual homesteads of 2-3 families
In-game guide: A plan for the first Plains tribe village can be seen at /warp dunlandtest. There are also guidelines for each of the three styles just northwest of /warp fbdunland. These can be copied over once the actual project begins
Terrain: Not much needs to be changed aside from earthworks around hillforts, and increasing tree density in some of the lowland forests
Plan for Completion: We will work on one tribe at a time, starting with the Plains tribe (it should be the easiest to start with, as it only uses the Lowland style). Each village, coupled with surrounding homesteads, will be its own project. Religious sites will be sub-projects.