#Thorin’s Halls
Player names: @Guan and @LucPoppel (old leaders:@Aptipild, @Ytsen, @RubenPieterMark, @creepyboy666 and @Kizaura)
Player ranks: Builder+
Location name: Thorin’s Halls
[details=Long story]After Smaug the Golden attacked Erebor in TA 2770, king Thrór and his family (under which Thráin, Thorin II, Frerin and Dís) escaped by the secret door. Many more Dwarves escaped than they hoped at first, but most fled to the Iron Hills. Thrór and his followers settled in Dunland.
In 2790 Thrór returned to Moria with a close friend. His head was cut off and the name AZOG branded on his forehead. This angered all the Dwarven clans so much that they hunted down every Orc in the Misty Mountains till they got to Moria, where Náin was killed and Dáin killed Azog. The surviving Dwarves refused to enter Moria.
Dáin returned to the Iron Hills with his Longbeards and Thráin returned to Dunland with his followers, where he stayed for a while before wandering in Eriador till they settled in exile east of the river Lune in the Blue Mountains. Most of the things they forged where made out of iron, but their population grew slowly. (They had very few women, even for Dwarves, whose population is only 1/3 female.) They had no gold, or very little.
Because of his ring, Thráin had a great desire to return to Erebor (with Balin and Dwalin), but he was captured and taken to Dol Guldur. There he was killed and the last Dwarven ring was taken from him.
Thorin was now Durin’s heir and he laboured long in Eriador and his population was increased by many of the wandering folk of Durin. Now they had nice halls and large stores of goods. Thorin however, called it ‘only poor lodgings in exile’.
As we all know, Thorin and his company left for Erebor, but that story is told elsewhere. Probably almost every Dwarf left for Erebor, at around Third Age 2940, but in the Lord of the Rings it was said that there could be seen Dwarves in unusual numbers fleeing westwards for a great terror in the east, so we can conclude that in TA 3006, Thorin’s Halls were partly repopulated.[/details]
Reference Imagery: http://imgur.com/a/4AkNK
Concepts & Plan:
Each step, when completed, will be reviewed by the overseers.
Step 1: Do a rough plan of the mountain, halls, streets etc. with WorldEdit. Label everything including all professions with project blocks
Step 2: Project becomes public. Builders do all house facades (unsupervised) and the walls/ceilings/floors of the halls (supervised)
Step 3: Builders do all house interiors
Step 4: Detail the halls/streets/mines etc
Total population: 1052