With most of the projects in the Westfold coming to a close and the fields getting completed soon, it is time to start thinking of ways to tie the various settlements together and add in details to flesh out the region more.
Currently I need as many builder + 's to help with getting the pastures completed as these probably account for 80% of the work that needs to be done which are quite time consuming for Ben and I to work on. The pastures that surround Helmham should serve as a good example for what these should look like with a greater tree density closer too forests and very sparse tree lines further out towards the plains. These should be pollards of oak, ash, chestnut and aspen trees.
Roads - The roads between the villages need to be worked on and improved to blend together the various path mixes. Other details along the road should be added ie. carts, traveller camps etc. to add a feeling of movement to the area.
Section 1: All fields are now complete, the odd detail may need to be added to the farms. The only remaining parts are a few hunter trails near Grimslade and for the beehives at Aldorstowe to be reworked.
Section 2: All fields are complete, carts and traffic between the settlements needs to be added as well as minor details in the farms
Section 3: No progress has been made here as of yet, there are a number of pastures that need to be started here. The forest nearby is a prime place to place some hunters camps and trails. A path has been planned between the main road and WFH14 as they currently have to go back on themselves to head towards the Eastfold.
Section 4: The pastures have been started but nothing else has been changed as of yet
As for things that need to be checked before we can call this done:
Road mixes, each project has used their own mix for the roads so we need to work on smoothing the transition between the mixes
Beehives: These need to be fixed in Aldorstowe and Stanbrycg
Roadside plants: bushes, weeds, small details etc. need to be added
@iNamelessi I am available if you need any work done until December 11. I have plenty of time on my hands until then. You can reach me on Discord much faster as well if you need anything specific done.
Pretty sure this is done now, the only remaining project is the tanning industry which can be separated from the rest of the WF project. If anyone is willing to complete this for me I will be eternally grateful (pretty burnt out on this region)
Thanks to Robz, Chingom and Whickery for the help they gave me in the last couple of weeks to get this done,
(Edit): This may not be as complete as I though, please go through and nit pick (to an extent) I intend for it to be fully complete in the next week
Now its done, carts were added to a few roads, vegetation added along the paths, two more charcoal burners were put in near the existing lumber camps, fields walls fixed.
The tannery will be worked on this weekend (this can go on silently to allow for the Folde to move forward)
Thanks to everyone for all the feedback I received in the last few days.