Treebuild Season 7 or 8

Player name(s): Ahorn_ & Eldiar

Player rank: Builder+

Private or Public: Public

Location name: -

Lore: #buildstandards

Overhead plan: -

In-game guide:

Hey everyone, welcome back to our favourite project, tree building. After quite the pleasant read on discord today, I was appointed to start a project to improve our tree grid and further increase the quality of our map. Therefore we will be changing all the schemes currently having fence blocks to the small pillar block and the wall blocks to the pillar variant introduced by Conquest Reforged. We will also change and or add horizontal slabs as well as trapdoors to the bigger trees to smooth and detail them some more. Please keep in mind to only add horizontal stuff or else we will ban and hunt you down for trying to fuck our future map sections up. Go to /warp treexample for an example tree with added comments.

Finally here some markings for the rows:

Just red wool means this row needs doing. If you want to help and there is no other row in progress start one of these.

An orange frame means, this row is in progress. Look for these to help and complete. If you start a red wool row, do not forget to add the orange wool frame.

If a row is all slabbed up and stuff, add a line of waiting approval blocks to the wool. If all’s fine, we will save the row.

Finally the magenta wool frame marks a finished row. It’s all slabbed up and the schematics are saved.

Terrain: magnificient wool grid

Approval = [✓] Approved [ ] Not Approved

All in all, this should not really take that long. I’m happy for all the help you guys can give me!


Wouldn’t it be a better idea to get the coppice tree grid finished before we start editing these ones. Can’t really start any farms before we have them, and recently there hasn’t been a lot of progress.


@Ahorn could take over those too, considering orrangejuice is MIA


Do vertical trapdoors cause lag issues on trees?

No, but they won’t rotate correctly in WorldPainter.

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this might be painful and take time, but you could do for actual rotations in game to use in worldpainter?

Yeah, that would work, but it’s asking the builders to save quadruple the number of trees.

We did that with the largest mallorn trees, build 1, and use dags’ copypasta to rotate them.

it’s done