Project Title: Rondgeld (“Rondegil” in the original Sindarin, meaning “Hall of Victory”)
Player name(s): MrBanana, Lindalher; with Yannig’s supervision for the ruins
Player rank: Overseer, Steward
Private or Public: public
Lore, timeline, inspiration, plan, ecc: EFTown - Google Docs (still being worked)
As most of you know already, this is going to be a rohan settlement built among the ruins of a gondorian town, which we assumed could have been the capital of the Calenardhon provence back in the day. This is going to be a complex project, combining the building skills of rohan and ruins making, as long as needing some creativity to realisitically merge them together.
Side projects: contact us to claim them and receive important additional instructions. Once you’ve successfully claimed them, make a post in this thread with some informations about your plan. We’d prefer if these side-projects were co-worked by two people, especially if this is one of your first times leading something independently, as they require some planning and concepting beforehand.
FORT & CITY WALLS: Partially repaired by the rohirrim, their look should be in between the repaired forts in the Folde (Aldburg, Yppeton) and the walls of Tharbad.
VILLA IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: located somewhere among the hills to the south of the city. Look at Villa dei Misteri outside Pompeii for good inspiration. As for the epoch of building, it should have a core built back in Epoch III, and some more recent expansions/remodelings. It was abandoned a bit before the public buildings in the city, so it will have a similar state of decay.
CEMETERY: there will be a couple of big gondorian tombs still visible; there should be/will be some in Tharbad for inspiration. The rest is standard rohan cemetery with a couple of mounds for the richer guys.
PORT FACILITIES along the Entwash: Gondorians had some traffic using barges up the river and some of it remains to the day, mostly trading with Entwade town. Look at Therbad thread to find info on riverside ports. There should also be the ruins of a brick factory a bit more inland.
TERRACES on the hills around the city: gondorians have hugely terraformed the steep hills around the city, both to the east and west, and a bit to the south as well. They wouldn’t bee too visible. Some of them are still being used to grow some grapes.
AQUEDUCT: see the research doc made for gondor here Aqueducts - Google Docs. You won’t need to plan its entire lenght as it would be cut into the hillside for most of its course, but only the off-ground part in its final approach to the upper city. It was built in epoch III so it has some pretty strong foundations. (not working anymore tho)