Folde Homestead 17

Player name(s): philippetora

Player rank: Builder +

Private or Public: private

Location name: FH17

Lore: Rohan lore
Overhead plan:

black: living long house
blue: pigs
red: barn + cows
yellow: small smithy
green: Grubenhaus (the hill is ideal for underground storage)
grey: stalls
brown: fences

washing area, chickens etc will be added spontaneously


style 1


Hey Phil, I discussed your homestead with @MicahVanderman and we have a couple of small things; I’d switch the direction of the grubenhauses 90 degrees, plan some allotments and put the stables under an angle perpendicular to the road.
I think that with these small improvements, this homestead can become very nice!

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Make sure to follow /warp foldeguide. Need a couple of Overseers to have a look over this too.

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Not that I’m an expert or something, but it looks good to me.
I know that homesteads usually are solo projects, but would it be possible for you to involve an apprentice in the making? you can just reserve one of the buildings to a volunteer, or whatever you
like, but you can do it by yourself if you don’t want to. (we are a bit out of public projects recently)


Same here. Follow the above tips, and you should be good to go.

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Considering its proximity to edoras, I don’t think this farmstead needs its own smithy. The style from your example is also more like the westfold style than the new Folde standard set out in Schephurst and the homesteads surrounding that hillfort village north of aldburg


reply to all:
Ill first build the houses and then decide on which space the allotments will come, is this ok? i can surely involve a apprentice, should i simply ask one? i have planned a small smithy area, because of the horsehoes for the horses. Actually the reference picture is from the first homestead northwest of Edoras. That homestaed is near Edoras so i thought that mine would have a similar style. However Ill do as you ask.

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Yesterday i worked a bit with wheellee on my layout. That`s the the new plan:
blue: Grubenhouse
red: living house
green: Barn/cows
orange: stables
white: allotments
brown: fences
yellow: pigs

minor things will be added!




homestead is done!
Thanks to all helping builders and apprentices.


approved i guess

Apologies that this wasn’t reviewed sooner. Approved, well done.