Player rank: Overseer
Private or Public: Private, but with work for a few interested builders
Location name: Fangorn
Lore: ‘Yes, it is old,’ said Aragorn, ‘as old as the forest by the Barrow-downs, and it is far greater. Elrond says that the two are akin, the last strongholds of the mighty woods of the Elder Days…’
‘It reminds me, somehow, of the old room in the Great Place of the Tooks away back in the Smials at Tuckborough: a huge place, where the furniture has never been moved or changed for generations… But that is nothing to the old feeling of this wood. Look at all those weeping, trailing, beards and whiskers of lichen! And most of the trees seem to be half covered with ragged dry leaves that have never fallen. Untidy. I can’t imagine what spring would look like here, if it ever comes; still less a spring-cleaning.’
‘It does not look or feel at all like Bilbo’s description of Mirkwood. That was all dark and black, and the home of dark black things. This is just dim, and frightfully tree-ish. You can’t imagine animals living here at all, or staying for long.’
Overhead plan:
Brown = approximate lore path
Red = Ent houses
White = special locations: Wellinghall, Quickbeam’s house, Derndingle, Treebeard’s hill
Plan for Completion: Most of the work for this project will be detailing the area along the lore path, as well as Entwash and Limlight (though Entwash is basically included in the lore path anyway). Since this will undoubtedly be the most tedious part of the project, I plan to do it first. After that, there are nine non-lore Ent houses that will be up for grabs. More info on these to follow. The special lore locations will come last.
Lore path includes the length of the Entwash, the area between Wellinghall and Derndingle, that between Derndingle and Quickbeam’s house, and the route from there to Isengard. Vertical slabs, trapdoors, etc. applied to trees, some layering. Both the Entwash and the Limlight should be detailed to a similar degree as the Isen in Nan Curunir
Terrain: Yup
Reference Imagery: