

Section 5 is open, I will be finishing up roads within the week for the section. It is located south of the section 4 and is labeled accordingly. The houses are all also labeled with material types because this section is older than the rest (and more wealthy), so pay attention to that. The houses in this section are overall more crowded and less space for allotments so whe and I marked the allotments and fields for you.

Please still pay attention to the foldeguide and keep in mind Whe’s guide for different color templates, I believe that is still /warp EdorasSection4.

One more section and Meduseld after this. We are nearing the end so don’t kill yourself yet! Best of luck and happy building!



The final section is open, and it might be the most crucial section yet. The layout for this is different than what you see in previous sections, so Whe has built an example section directly east of Meduseld. Because of the importance of this section, we want to enforce a rule where if you’re going to build a plot, you ask and check in with either me or Whe before doing so. Some of the POLs are very large and require 2-3 players. If an apprentice needs a job in this section, we ask that he works with another builder. This is the highest classed section in the city, and many buildings are specialized, which makes it fun but also vital that it is done correctly. I will finish up roads, and Whe and I will go through Edoras and edit vegetation outside POLs, so don’t worry about that.
Green glass signifies garden plots, blue houses are upper class, orange middle, brown lower

Upper class houses should have doors at the ends of the houses, and hearths should always be in the middle of the house, with beds in the midsection away from doors. You should try and keep the hall insular, with no windows on ground level. Near doors, you would have workspaces, looms. Add pottery throughout, and avoid barrelspam.

Thanks for all your hard work. Good luck, happy building, and congratulations on getting to the last section of Edoras.



Edoras is done, finally. Final check-throughs can commence but I already went through the city and caught most if not all of the errors.
Stuff like the valley behind it is a separate project.
Thank you everyone, especially @Sunwing34 who did over half this city, @Ahorn, who helped significantly with layouts and realism, @eag_inc for Meduseld and advice throughout the process, the various people who entered in the contest, my co-lead @MicahVanderman who in spite of his immensely busy year was a pretty cool co-lead and worked with me throughout, and the numerous builders and apprentices who helped make this vision a reality.

Very cool and very good,

See you next time o/

  • Micah/Whee