Builder/Filmmaker Application: Teilzeitkeks: REJECTED

Player name: Teilzeitkeks

How long have you been a member of this project?: N/A

How old are you?: 14-17

Where are you from?: Germany

Are you in our Discord?: Yes

Why do you want to help with this project?: I love the world and the story that Tolkien created and I’m totally amazed that people started to build this gigantic world in Minecraft. My goal is to give this whole project more attention in different ways. I have a lot of experience with video editing and filmmaking, so I’d love to produce some amazing trailers or even short films in Middleearth which could be – if you like them – be uploaded on YouTube so that this world can be available to more Tolkien fans. I have always wanted to be a part of such a project and I am so motivated to support the growth of Minecraft-Middleearth.
PS: No, I do not have a YouTube channel.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: Watched all the movies, read all the books, started reading the Silmarillion

Portfolio: N/A

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?: There are no special styles with that I have difficulties with, I just need to know what I have to build and someone who gives me general ideas.

Other relevant skills: Video editing etc.; Photoshop; Plugin organisation, basic texturing skills

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You cannot be accepted as a Builder without a portfolio.

Upload some build images to an imgur album or link some of your videos.


I think you can still make awesome videos without builder.
Edit: well, you need builder for setting the time…

No response in 14 days, rejected. On a side note, you are more than welcome to create videos on our server without needing builder status! If you wish to discuss this further please message one of the Overseers on discord!