Builder Application: tombjo13: REJECTED

Player name: tombjo13

How did you find out about us: On Planet minecraft and Youtube.

How old are you?: 23 years old. Born april 10th 1995.

Where are you from?: Sandefjord Norway.

Are you in our Discord? Do you understand that you must have Discord running at all times when at your computer, and that you must check the forums every few days?: Im have an accont on discord
and least added Ardacraft. I will checking the activity on the discord

Why do you want to help with this project?: I was played minecraft since 2011.
I played minecraft since beta-days of game. when beta 1.8 came out i,m only played in creative mode.
And almost singleplayer.
And now i.ll become builder in our community and learn more about the styles in Ardacraft world.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: Im had not read any Tolkien

Portfolio: This is an example from my plot 5:-16.

I have an building example from my local world too slight_smile:

Plot ID: 5:-16

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?:
I can gets inspirated and learn from here and from other sites, images, Westeroscraft,
other minecraft projet etc.

Other relevant skills: I had modifed some Textures on forge mods.

Im sorry for my bad english, but i understand.
I hope you’ll like that smile:


Hello and thank you for submitting your application. I’m afraid that I am going to have to reject your app for now due to the facts that your builds clearly show that you have not looked around the server at the current styles required, and because you have not read the relevant information at /warp plots that clearly details what is required in a builder application.

Please feel free to come on the server and look at our builds in more detail as well as what we are looking for in a builder application. As for your application, you will be able to re-apply in a month’s time.