Builder Application: Tbone36: REJECTED

Player name: Tbone36

How did you find out about us: I found out about you through the Builders Refuge Discord server.

How old are you?: 14-17

Where are you from?: Canada

Are you in our Discord? Do you understand that you must have Discord running at all times when at your computer, and that you must check the forums every few days?: I am in the ArdaCraft Discord server.

Why do you want to help with this project?: I struggle to find a large project such as this one that accepts applications, I love the style ArdaCraft is built off of and I am a Huge fan of LOTR and The Hobbit.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: I have seen all three of the LOTR movies, I have read around half of the Hobbit and I am rotating between listening to LOTR and The Hobbit.

Portfolio: (note some of my work was made on a server that shut down.)
I would love to have posted a pic of a build with the modpack but sadly those were the builds on the dead server. If you need one you can email me and I would be happy to construct one on the plots server.

Plot ID: I have done all of my building on Builders Refuge.

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?: I am really good at fantasy structure, I am getting good at terraforming and I am decent with organics. I am not very good at 3D modeling (Don’t know if this is a style or not.)

Other relevant skills: Not really I mostly just build.


Hey! Your portfolio seems promising but we need two builds done in the modpack in two current styles (right now, that’s Beorning and Thorin’s Halls) before we can move forward with your application.

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I just updated my Imgur album with the 2 builds I quickly whipped up, if you could review it that would be great! Please reply if anything else goes wrong.


Please give us your plot ID on the server so we can see the builds ourselves. You should look at recently successful applications to see what kind of builds we’re looking for - those two don’t make the cut.

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Rejected for inactivity