Builder Application: Renardrouge: REJECTED


Player name : Renardrouge61

How did you find out about us? : following a youtuber video I discovered Ardacraft

How old are you? : 60

Where are you from? : Italy

**Are you in our Discord? Y

My username is Fulvio(Renardrouge)#3422

Why do you want to help with this project? : I have been a fan of tolkiens work for years, and i really want to contribute to a project like this.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to? : I have seen all movies and read some books

Portfolio : (the first two images up is town I’m making again with Conquest texture, the other pics are finished town I did some months ago with Windsor texture)

Plot ID : -23 -3

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with? : medieval styles are generally my stronger I made a full town alone.

Other relevant skills : I speak English, French, Spanish and Italian.


Hi Renard - it seems like your portfolio photos don’t work. Have you tried uploading them to Imgur?

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i tried to use imgur, hope is working now…


I can see them now, thank you. Can you try to build a Rohan farm house on our plots? There is a guide at /warp rohanguide, and you can see good examples at /warp Schephurst.

Check the #info channel on our Discord if you haven’t already

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I will try to make one, I read info on Discord already, I will go to read again to check if I missed something. Tks for your patience.


I made a really little one in same plot area, -23 -3. Hope can be ok.

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We’ve mainly been communicating via Discord and eventually both agreed it’s better if you keep improving your skills and re-apply in the future. Therefore we’ll reject your application for now.