[Please delete everything in brackets]
Player name: [Obstaclerz]
How did you find out about us?: Saw a YouTube video, exploring. Big Tolkien fan, want to contribute
How old are you?: [24.]
Where are you from?: [Norway.]
Are you in our Discord? Do you understand that you must have Discord running at all times when at your computer, and that you must check the forums every few days?: When i am on my pc i have discord open at all times, but my pc is not on 24/7 no.
Why do you want to help with this project?: It is inspiring to see progress and i love to create buildings in creative mode my self.
Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: [Seen Hobbit trilogy and Lotr trilogy, I am halfway done with the first Lotr book.]
Portfolio: [https://imgur.com/a/UFfox4q]
[- Only include original work which you alone have worked on]
[- Your portfolio must contain shots of one build made using the Conquest Reforged mod and resource pack (this should be built on the ArdaCraft plots server - type /warp plots in-game). It is required that this build is related to builds being created on the main map at the time of your application - see /warp jobs]
[- Please look at recent successful applications in order to get an idea of what is expected in the portfolio]
Plot ID: [8:-36]
Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?: Finding items are hard, guess building more gains more effiency finding items. Ehh, you’re the judge, you tell me. Roofs maybe
Other relevant skills: [Not really]
[If there’s any additional questions that you think are necessary or could be useful, or any amendments you’d like to make to the current questions, please post after making your thread.]