Player name: nrosner_25
How did you find out about us: Youtube
How old are you?: 16
Where are you from?: L.A
Are you in our Discord? Do you understand that you must have Discord running at all times when at your computer, and that you must check the forums every few days?: Yes
Why do you want to help with this project?: I love the Tolkien universe and want to be a part of something that will bring middle earth to life.
Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: Read hobbit and lotr. Seen all movies 100s of times(extended editions only of course). Reading Silmarillion.
Plot ID: -2:6
Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?: I can learn fast and can be good at any style if I work at it. I know that I can successfully create Elven builds, but I am also good at most medieval styles. I can create good houses but I do love to build large, highly detailed structures. I am better at exterior than interior design .
Other relevant skills: Not very relevant to mc, but I am fluent in autocad and other architecture platforms if that is needed.