Builder Application: Luck69: REJECTED

Player name: Luck69

How long have you been a member of this project? : Since Today :slight_smile:

How old are you? :15

Where are you from? : Wales, UK

Are you in our Discord?: Yes

Why do you want to help with this project? : I want to help because I love the building aspect of Minecraft Also i like the movies of LOTR, And it would be a pleasure to join this massive project.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: Watched all the movies
Sadly i have lost all screenshots and worlds of the builds ive done in the servers style, But i am willing to show u ingame if i make builder :slight_smile:

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with? : I like medieval style builds because the modern ones are too bland for my liking, But i struggle doing organics and terrain because im quiet bad at commands :frowning:

Hope I make it in

Yours sincerely


You need to provide an album of your builds.

Hello! Like i’ve said ingame, you need a bit more practice with the CR mod before we can consider approving your builder app. You need to make two buildings in our current styles: Lothlorien at /warp lorienguide, and Rohan at /warp foldeguide. Make sure to follow the guides closely, and don’t be happy with the first build, you can always do better.
Keep asking for feedback and keep improving, you’ll make it in time.
Will reject your app for now, you can retry when you think you’re ready.