Builder Application: Lorenzo_Rossi: REJECTED

Player name: Lorenzo_Rossi

How long have you been a member of this project?: 6 Hours

How old are you?: 12

Where are you from?: Devon, England

Are you in our Discord?: Yes

Why do you want to help with this project?: I am a huge Lotr fan and have played MC since it was released. I am a complete nerd of the lotr world and I love working with people to accomplish something great.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?:

Read All the Books
Watched all the movies
Listened to all the audio-books
Own the art book

Own the Complete guide to middle earth book
Hardcore Lotr Online player
Played both BFME games
Read Letters from father christmas by Tolkien.


Are there any styles that you excel at? I am very good at building Man, Orc, Hobbit and Dwarvish but I need to improve on my Elvish building.

Other relevant skills: Screenshots, Rendering, Texturing, Photoshop, Part-time game dev. Learning Russian. Mother loves Thranduil.


  1. This doesn’t seem to showcase any particular style that’s prevalent on the server. We’re looking for Harlond-style Elf houses, for example.

  2. You need to take a look at all our mod has to offer with blocks. You used spruce logs with bark on them for the rafters, when we have wooden beam blocks to use for rafters.

  3. Why the iron bars? Why so many? I guess this is a barn or a shed, due to the actual lack of interiors outside of leaves and junk. I’ve never seen any barn or shed contain doors made to look like a locking system from an odd prison.

I can’t approve or disapprove this. But this is far from something that I think would be accepted. Please take a look at Harlond for a good idea on what we’re looking for. Learn the blocks, learn our pack. You seem to have a decent idea on how structures are made, which is better than some we’ve had. Tell your mom that Thranduil says hi.