Player name:
How did you find out about us?:
Through word of mouth (I know Eag and Gawain from Westeroscraft). I also met a few of the mods from here when they came to spy on us on WC hahah, looking at glaciers.
How old are you?:
Where are you from?:
Are you in our Discord? Is your username the same as your Minecraft name? Do you understand that you must always have Discord open, and that you must check the forums every few days?:
Yes, I use it now and again. My username is the same last time I checked.
Why do you want to help with this project?:
Generally have a love for Tolkien’s work, and have been impressed with what I’ve seen on the server.
Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?:
I have read:
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
I have seen:
The Hobbit films
Lord of the Rings films
I am also generally familiar with parts of the lore in general (Two Trees, War of Wrath, Simarils, etc).
Anorien House
Westeroscraft work
Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?:
I generally am good with simpler, humble dwellings both rural and urban. Generally I have worked on medieval buildings in Westeroscraft inspired from different settings around Europe. I also, have made ships before and would like to try my hand at Gondorian galleys (lol). I would say I have difficulty with more ornate styles and buildings, along with anything underground - I would be useless in Moria!
Other relevant skills:
Proficient with Photoshop and other editing software to a degree. I have also used features like World Edit before, and willing to learn more.