Builder Application: BlackThunder9007: ACCEPTED

Player name: BlackThunder9007

How long have you been a member of this project?: 2 weeks flying around and doing my builder app
How old are you?: 16

Where are you from?: Hong Kong

Are you in our Discord?: Yes

Why do you want to help with this project?: Throughout my younger years I would watch the hobbit movies, and I soon discovered that there were more movies in the same universe. I really liked the whole fantasy element, and the build styles but mainly the character’s journeys. I first saw a ArdaCraft tour video from Dukonred1 and I instantly clicked the link to download the modpack. Now I use conquest reforged / ardacraft mod to build in minecraft. I mainly want to recreate the Tolkien universe with talented builders.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: 3 Hobbit movies, 3 lord of the rings movies, audiobook of Fellowship of the ring, and the two towers.

Plot ID: 1,8

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?: Dwarf, Dale. Not so good at elven.

Other relevant skills: Photoshop and premiere


Accepted. Practice some more with interiors, and pillar designs.