Builder Applicarion: Trent/fnne: REJECTED

[Please delete everything in brackets]

Player name: Fnne

How did you find out about us?: My Dad told me about it thru Nerd Of The Rings

How old are you?: 14
Where are you from?: USA

**Are you in our Discord? Is your username the same as your Minecraft name? Do you understand that you must always have Discord open, and that you must check the forums every few days?:**My name is different in discord: trent#3779 I always have discord open, i will do my best to check forums as often as i can.

Why do you want to help with this project?: As soon as a saw it i knew i wanted to help, im not a great builder but i enjoy building and building something i love (lotr) is also amazing. You guys also done have a lot of help and the more help you can get the best.

Which Tolkien-related works have you read, seen or listened to?: ive read the lotr books, watched all of the hobbit movies and watched all of the lotr movies.


Plot ID: 17:-20

Are there any styles that you excel at? Any styles which you have difficulty with?:
I excel at doing many similar underground/cozy/stone builds. Im not good with very large builds
Other relevant skills: sadly none

Based on your current level of building it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to train you to the required standard. I’d recommend you try to improve your standards on Darwin Reforged and then come back in a year or so.