Thread title: Project Application: A smial for the North-tooks
Player name(s): Bombur8
Player rank: Builder
Location name: Must I make a name for the smial or simply write Long Cleeve?
Lore: Not that much to be said, actually. The North-took family is a norther branch of the Took family which settled in Long Cleeve, they are the descendants of Bandobras Took.
I think that, as a branch of the welle known, wealthy and respected Took family, they deserve their smial (clearly not as big as the Great Smials or Brandy Hall but bigger than Bag End). However, we know that the terrain in Northfarthing is quite rocky and not the most appropriate to excave deep smials, and that’s why I plan to have several parts sticking out of the hill and even true buildings in Long Cleeve style.
Overhead plan: Scale and shapes might not be totally exact and are subject to change during the building, but here is the genral idea.
Reference Imagery: Well, AC Long Cleeve for the external parts and color scheme and the AC Greats Smials, for the interiors.